May 20, 2011


Checklists and questionnaires belong in the toolbox of risk professionals. A checklist works best when used by the risk professional while interviewing an information source, whom we’ll call an interviewee. 

The checklist becomes far less effective when simply handed over to the interviewee because when you let the interview work by himself,  it raises new undesirable dynamics:

  • First, the interviewee loses the chance to ask questions about the questions being asked.  He may misunderstand what is being asked, but unaware of it.  In such a case, even if you informed the interviewee that they should ‘feel free’ to ask if they have questions, will not help much, because in this case, the interviewee is not even aware that they misunderstand.
  • Second, the interviewee may not have as much interest as the interviewer in the process of gathering data.  In cases like this, you can expect that only the minimum amount of information will be written down in the checklist.
  • Third, the interviewee may not see the whole point of the interview, and why they must fill in the checklist. As in the second dynamic above, this results in lacking information.
  • Fourth, a large number of checklists and forms are very badly designed, which can easily lead an interviewee to confusion. Many forms ask for too many things. The interviewer may have energy to fill in the first few entries, but a noticeable drop in energy due to a drop in interest can often be seen.

A well designed form helps much toward eliciting good information.  At the very least, the following should be addressed when designing questionnaires and checklists:

  • Who is going to use the contents of the checklist?
  • To what purpose are they going to use the contents?
  • Who is going to provide information to the checklists? (That is, who are the interviewees)
  • What kind of questions and prompts should the checklist contain in order to elicit the information required?
  • What kind of information does the current version of the checklist contain that are not needed?
  • In what ways can the questions and prompts be misunderstood?

It is vital that a checklist be tested on several interviewees first before finalising it use.

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